Delay Interaction


The Delay Interaction Component allows users to pause a Flow screen for a specified time before proceeding to the next screen. It is commonly used to create a delay between screens or simulate a process's waiting period.

Changing the properties

Adjusting the delay

With the Delay (Milliseconds) option, you can easily set a custom waiting time before automatically transitioning to the next screen. Furthermore, you can define specific interactions to be triggered once the delay has elapsed, enabling dynamic and responsive screen flows.

Adding interactions

You can define interactions triggered when the delay is complete from the interactions panel. Here is a full list of actions you can add to the Delay Interaction.



Learn to celebrate user milestones with confetti in Salesforce Flow!

Learn to subtly initiate flow dialogs using the invisible Delay Interaction component for smoother, cleaner user experiences.




Delay (Milliseconds)


The delay in milliseconds before proceeding to the next screen.

Show Loading


Define if a loading spinner should be displayed.


No events are available

Styling hooks

No Styling hooks are available

Last updated